The church of Our Lady of Health was dedicated to St Michael all until the middle of the 19th century, and it used to belong to the Benedictine monastery of the same name. The first document that mentions the monastery is the will by the widow Spreza de Dominiko from 1271, leaving some land to the monastery of St Michael in Krk. The emergence of the church is dated into the early Middle Ages.
The three-nave basilica built in the Romanesque style was preserved until today. It is oriented in the direction east-west, and originally it had three semicircular apses on its east end, of which only the central one was preserved with the altar dedicated to the Mother of God. All until the middle of the 19th century, the main altar was dedicated to St Michael and the change of its name was caused by raging of cholera so that the Mother of God would provide protection. On the western façade there is a two-floor bell tower with a pyramidal end, which represents an integral part of the church. The monks lived in the monastery until the middle of the 15th century, followed by secular abbots, the Venetian priests. In 1616, the secular abbot from the monastery Negri wrote to the duke that the monastery buildings were transformed into ruins because tiles were removed from the roof to cover the military accommodation. Negri asked him to repair the buildings and emphasized that the material was taken for the benefit of the Republic. Although only the church and the story about the Benedictine monastery complex have been preserved until today, the mentioned remains say a lot about the Krk monastery tradition.