The church of St Clement in Klimno is mentioned in various sources already in 1381 as the property of the family Malatestinić from Soline. In the 16th century the church was connected with the brotherhood of St Clement. The church shared the destiny of other sacral edifices on the island so during the French occupation it was desacralized and then in the 1820s the Monarchy gave it to the population to use for liturgical purposes. Then and one hundred years later, in 1926, the church was restored several times. Until today only the remains of the Medieval village church can be recognized. The church was a single-nave building with protruding apse on the south and a distaff on the entry northern façade.
The church contains a wooden Renaissance polyptych illustrating the Mother of God with the baby and the saints. The predella shows the scene of the Adoration of the Shepherds. This is a Renaissance work of excellent artistic value. The wooden altar polyptych is a protected cultural good of the Republic of Croatia.